Why We Are Better Than Others

P2P to Earn vs Competitors


For how long can projects pay "Watch to Earn" or "Walk to Earn" as there is no real incentive for firms to pay people to watch movies or randomly walk.

Market work in supply and demand and that is why P2P to Earn is the real deal. Downloaders will always seek to download movies/music and Seeders will always gladly accept rewards to seed these movies/music.

As more seeders migrate to our WEB3 Torrent Platform, downloaders will have no choice but to migrate to MetaWire and this will create more demand for MetaWire Token.

More Safe

Our initial pool of tokens for reward will be locked and vested to release by stages. So there will be no risk of large amount of token being dumped to wipe the liquidity.

More Stable

All fees taken from MetaWire platform will be manually burned so that it wont effect our liquidity and create scarcity with less MetaWire token floating in the market.

More Consistent

Peer-to-Peer is a necessity to almost every internet users. As of 2013, BitTorrent had 15-27million concurrent users at anytime. It has been 9 years since, the number is much higher now which could go as high as 200million users.

Last updated